The Power Of Three
The number 3 has a magical importance in cultural and spiritual practices around the world. Each number from 1-9 has a resonance and meaning of its own, as studied in Numerology. Perhaps the number that has the greatest impact on our lives though, is the number Three. From the youngest age, tiny children hear in fairy tales of the magical idea of being given "Three Wishes" and from our first exposure to Christianity we are made aware of the " Holy Trinity".
The number 3 is regarded as powerful and sacred as it represents the manifestation of life:
Number one - the potential seed
Number two - brings in complementary opposites of light and dark, man and woman.
Number three - completes a dynamic triangle, energy is created and everything begins to expand. A man and a Woman together, for example, creates a third in their child.
When practising the Craft, the number 3 can be used to empower and increase the effectiveness of the spells and rituals three-fold, but always remember the Rule of Three...
What ye sends forth, come back to thee
So ever mind the law of Three
Three times your acts return to thee
This lesson well, thou must learn
Thou only gets, what thee dost earn....
Intent without action is worthless, and action without intent is worse than useless -- it can be harmful. When our actions are true expressions of our intentions -- our wills -- we are doing magic.
The Rule of Three illustrates the power underlying our intentions. Everything we do is returned unto us threefold. Our intent determines the approach we take to life. Our actions determine the response life takes to us. We cannot ask for what we do not ourselves offer to others. Think of it as applied common sense; our actions and words ripple outward from us, touching countless other lives in one way or another. Every good deed we do, every helping hand we lend, and every time we act responsibly, we improve our society by fostering an environment in which positive actions begin to outnumber negative ones.
The Rule of Three is not a mandate to become a pacifist. Rather, it's a challenge to find a constructive, positive way to deal with the situations we all face in the course of our lives. We all are still part of the world, and our relationships with other people are still very much our sequence of our actions and the fruit of our intentions.
The Rule of Three demonstrates the importance of right intent, and reveals the secret to bringing about real prosperity. Every little thing we do comes back to us, so it behooves us to send out the sorts of things we really want to have come back to us. When applied alongside the Rede, we are given a goal to work toward, that of doing good, of helping others, and of making the world a better place.